Tips for Alzheimer’s Daily Care

When it comes to Alzheimer’s daily care, it requires a large amount of flexibility and patience of the main caregiver. Having the benefit of a few simple tips can help reduce feelings of frustration or stress. We’ve compiled tips meant to offer assistance for creating a safe environment that reduces unwanted distractions. This will help your loved one maintain independence while being secure in their everyday life.

Creating Safe Environments

One of the most important aspects of Alzheimer’s care in Middlesex, NJ, is creating an environment that is safe. Those with dementia may have trouble with problem-solving and making important decisions, which can be a risk to safety. Here are a few ways to make safety a priority:

  • Prevention of falls – Remove any extension cords, clutter, or rugs that could be the cause of tripping or falling. You can also install grab bars or handrails in important areas.
  • Utilize locks – Anything that has the potential to be dangerous should be behind lock and key. This includes alcohol, medicine, toxic chemicals, weapons, and dangerous tools.
  • Consider fire safety – Keep any lighters or matches out of the way. If the person with Alzheimer’s smokes, be sure they always have supervision. You should also ensure the smoke alarms have fresh batteries and that a fire extinguisher is present.

Being Flexible

When a person has dementia, they will become less independent over time. However, remaining flexible and being open to adapting your routine can make this a lot easier to handle. As an example, if your loved one hates bathing, consider dropping the frequency. Being open to alterations can make things a lot easier for you and the person you are caring for.

Reducing Frustrations

Part of Alzheimer’s care in Middlesex, NJ, involves limiting frustrations. People who have dementia can often become upset if something that was once simple is now more difficult. There are various ways to reduce the number of frustrations, including:

  • Providing choices – Provide your loved one with choices to make each day, even if the options are limited to make them feel involved.
  • Involving your loved one – While your loved one may not be able to do everything on their own, they can help assist you. For instance, they might be capable of dressing if you lay out their clothes.
  • Build a routine – With a routine, your loved one will feel less confused and frustrated. Schedule tasks when the person is most alert and refreshed.

Adult Care in New Jersey

At South Amboy Adult Day Health Care Center, we provide Alzheimer’s daily care. If your parent or loved one needs care while you do other things or requires additional socialization, we’d be happy to help.

© 2025 All rights reserved. South Amboy Adult Daycare. 540 Bordentown Avenue | South Amboy, NJ 08879 | (848) 525-0606

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